Frequently Asked Questions


What is Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the process of permanently removing hair follicles. Using state-of-the-art technology, a minute amount of electricity is gently applied to the base of the hair follicle. This process destroys the ability of the hair follicle to grow another hair. Therefore, the regenerative ability of the hair follicle is permanently eliminated. Electrolysis is essential to realizing the look you want and it is more effective than ever before. Let us show you how electrolysis can work for you!


Why should I Choose Electrology Over Other Hair Removal Methods?

If you want permanent hair removal, electrology is the only way to achieve this goal. Unlike other hair removal options, professionally performed electrolysis eliminates unwanted hair, permanently , with unsurpassed results. Moreover, it does so for the largest variety of skin and hair types.

Laser promoters compare laser to electrolysis although laser assisted hair removal is considered a temporary method. It has not been evaluated for long-term safety of the patient’s skin and health.

Waxing, threading, and tweezing are alike. However, ingrown hairs and discoloration may result. Additionally, they may cause and increase in hair growth activity.

Depilatories and shaving can cause an irritation to the skin while the hair regrows quickly.

These methods can require a lifetime of maintenance. Many can appear inexpensive but cost more due to long term use and are found to be inconvenient.

Electrolysis works on most areas of the body to give you smooth, sleek, healthy looking skin. No other solution claims such universal acceptability and success.


What Can I Expect?

At your initial consultation Jane will take a thorough health history assessment to fully understand any issues that could be related to excessive hair growth. Factors such as hair-growth cycles, the quantity and structure of hair present, previous use of temporary hair removal methods, heredity, hormone function and stress, all influence the customization of your treatment program.


Do Electrolygists Follow Appropriate Infection Control?

The American Electrology Association has written infection control standards following the most recent recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Occupational Safety and Heath Administration (OSHA), and the Association for Practitioners in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). Jane takes great pride in the meticulously clean environment she treats her patients in.


What Does Electrolysis Feel Like?

Most clients find electrolysis to be a comfortable experience. With continually advancing technology, equipment and treatment protocols, electrolysis is more comfortable and effective than ever before.


Does Electrolysis Have Any Side Effects on the Skin?

Immediately following treatment, there may be slight redness, which varies with each individual. Jane will provide you with post treatment instructions and the personal attention you need.


How Many Treatments Are Required?

The number of treatments necessary varies with each client. Treatment sessions can range from 15 minutes to more than an hour depending on the area being treated. Factors such as hair growth cycles, the quantity and structure of hair presented, previous use of temporary hair removal methods, heredity, hormone function, certain medication and stress influence the treatment program for each individual. Electrolysis is effective on all skin and hair types. It is important to follow the recommended treatment plan to achieve optimum results.


Are All Hairs Eliminated in One Treatment or is Regrowth to Be Expected?

Excessive hair growth, known as hirsutism can range from fine, vellus hair to dark, coarse hair on the face and body. Deep, coarse hairs cannot always be eliminated with one treatment; thus breaking down the hair growth cells may require additional treatments. Based on a personal and confidential consultation, Jane will design a treatment plan that addresses your specific hair removal needs.


Can Unwanted Hair Be Removed from Anywhere on the Body?

Electrolysis works on all skin and hair types. All areas of the body can be treated except inside the the ears. Areas of treatment may include: the chin, eyebrows, upper and lower lip, jawline and sides of face, breasts and underarms, abdomen, bikini line, legs, back, and shoulders. Jane will design a custom treatment plan to meet your hair removal needs.


Can Women Begin or Have Electrolysis Treatments During Pregnancy?

Unwanted hair can be caused by hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy. Electrolysis can be performed on any normal skin. This includes pregnant women. We suggest you seek seek the advice of your physician before beginning treatment.